Finance & General Purposes Committee Agenda

The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich, Essex CO12 3DS
Tel: 01255 507211

A meeting of the
to be held at

The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich


18th June 2024 at 7pm

Public Question Time:
15 minutes will be available for members of the Public to ask questions in relation to items on the agenda only.



1. Apologies for absence
To receive apologies for absence
2. Declarations of members’ interests
To receive any ‘pecuniary’ or ‘Other Registrable’ interests relating to items on the agenda
3. Election of Vice-Chair
To appoint a Vice-chair of the committee
4. Minutes of last meeting

To approve as a correct record the Minutes and Confidential Minutes of the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Thursday 21st March 2024 (circulated separately)

To approve as a correct record the Minutes and Confidential Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Friday 12th April 2024 (circulated separately)

To approve as a correct record the Minutes and Confidential Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Friday 19th April 2024 (circulated separately)

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

MIN F55/23 – To confirm Portrait of the King has been resized, reframed and has been hung in the Chamber and the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II has been moved to the Parlour.  Total cost was £24.86 higher than expected due to the need to use a different printer to resize the image.

MIN F90/23 – To report back following advice sought regarding Hill School Site – Bldg. 3 works and agree next action.

MIN F107/23 – To confirm Leisure Attendants for the 2024 season are now duly appointed.

MIN F112/23 – To confirm Consort’s Regalia has been acquired.

6. Matters arising from previous minutes

MIN F80/23 – To confirm Putting Green Licence has finally completed.

7. Grant requests
To consider requests for grant funding as listed in the attached schedule.
8. Estates Supervisor Report
To receive a report of activities and works since previous meeting.
9. Guildhall Hire Charges

To consider the charges for hire of the Guildhall.

10. Independent Review of the Accounts

Cllr D Smith to report findings following an independent review of the accounts and bank reconciliation on 12th June for the period Jan-Mar 2024.

11. Civic Robes

Ref MIN F32/21 – To confirm that the programme of robe replacements is now complete with the final robe having just been purchased.

• To consider programme of robe cleans (6 per year) at a cost of £55 per robe or £367.50 pa, including postage over 3 years.

12. Complaints Procedure

• To review and adopt public procedure.

• To agree to adhere to published NALC guidance on Handling Complaints.

13. Hill School Site Bollard Lighting

To consider replacing faulty lighting on the Hill School site, with quotes to be considered under confidential business.

14. Virements

To approve the following virements:


• The Elections EMR with £4k and rename the Crazy Golf Refurbishment EMR to Putting Green Enhancement EMR and top up by £25k.

15. Staff Training

To approve the following staff training:

• Managing Difficult People and Conversations course – £50 per delegate

• Mental Health Workplace First Responder – £198 per delegate

16. Matters received in the post or information raised by members

Letter of acknowledgement – None

Evaluation form – None

17. Matters to be reported

• To note expenditure of £25 authorised under delegated authority for the clerk to attend a session on the new procurement regulations, expended from the training budget.

• To note expenditure of £230 authorised under delegated authority for the replacement of faulty water heater in accessible toilet at the Hill School Site, expended from the repairs & Maintenance budget.

• To note expenditure of £300 authorised under delegated authority for the purchase of 2x 10TB external hard drives, to be expended from the ICT budget.

• Update on Local Government Pay Claim 2024/25

18. Date for next meeting
The date of the next meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee is at 7pm, or at the rise of the Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at The Guildhall Church Street, Harwich.
19. Exclusion of public and press
Pursuant to Sub-Section 2 of Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to close the meeting to the press and public for the transaction of the under-mentioned business:• Hill School Site Bollard Lighting
20. Hill School Site Bollard Lighting

To consider quotations for the replacement of bollard lighting along the pathway at the Hill School Site.

 Dated:  12th June 2024                                                                         

 Ms Lucy Ballard
Clerk to the Council




Applicant Name:

Harwich International Shanty Festival

Mrs Pam Fitzgerald

Purpose of Grant:
To contribute towards the costs of staging maritime craftspeople, historical re-enactors, street theatre and children entertainment.Benefits:
Tourist contribution to the town in welcoming many visitors to the area and boosting the local economy. 
Total cost of project:
£ 44,960
Grant Requested:
£3,100Funds from other sources:
£5,100 (own resources)£12,410 granted from Rural England Prosperity Fund and UK Prosperity Fund.

Any shortfall made up from ticket sales, fundraising, sale of merchandise, donations, advertising and sponsorship.


Applicant Name:

Thera East


Julie Small

Purpose of Grant:
To provide The Beach Hut project with amenities.Benefits:
To provide accessible days on the coast and a safe and accessible place for all people with a disability.
Total cost of project:
£ 266
Grant Requested:
£ 266Funds from other sources:
£ 0




