Protocol for public speaking


Written questions may be sent to the clerk at least 7 days before a meeting of the Full Council, for the question to be read aloud by the person posing the question. The Mayor will direct who will answer the question. There will be an opportunity for ONE supplementary connected question on the night.

Alternatively, members of the public may raise questions to the Council at the meeting of the Full Council without prior notification. Only 1 question may be asked by any one individual and for no longer than 3 minutes.


People wishing to speak for or against an application will be required to give their details, and the details of the application they wish to speak about, to the Clerk, by 18:15hrs on the day of the Planning Committee meeting. The application they wish to speak on should be on the Agenda for discussion that night.

One speaker ‘for’ and one speaker ‘against’ each application will be allowed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Only those people who have previously given their details to the Clerk will be allowed to speak.

The speaker will be allowed to speak for a maximum of 3 minutes.


A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated at each meeting for questions to be put to Committee on items appearing on the agenda for that meeting. Only 1 question may be asked by any one individual and for no longer than 3 minutes.