Urgent service message from ACE
Urgent service message from ACE – detailing how their clinical services are changing with immediate effect:
As of today, we are changing the way we are working. In light of the coronavirus and the latest guidance, especially around social distancing, all our face to face clinics and consultations are under review.
Any patient who is due to have a face to face appointment should not attend and instead will receive a telephone call from the team. The team will assess the needs of the patient on an individual basis and will work with them to provide the most suitable outcome. This might be a phone consultation, video links, online resources and in some instances it will be a face to face visit.
We are still accepting referrals in the same way. We just ask that you manage your patient expectations on our behalf. We will contact them following receipt of the referral but as explained above we will deal with the request differently.
If you have a query about a particular service, please use your normal route for communications. If this is not appropriate then please email comms@acecic.nhs.uk who will collate responses and forward to the appropriate teams.
As with all announcements during this crisis the information is timely and may change without notice but we will endeavour to keep you up to date with the most current information.
You can download further information from the CVST website https://www.cvstendring.org.uk/support-for-groups/e-bulletin.html
EPUT Dementia Support Team/Dementia UK (Admiral Nurses)
The Kingswood/memory service have suspended groups but, are still seeing people that are under treatment from the Dementia Support Team, this does include emergency assessments. The Dementia Helpline for those under the memory service for both Colchester and Clacton is 01206 228975.
The Admiral Nurse service will be via telephone only at this time, this is being reviewed on a daily basis.
Extra – Support for Families
EXTRA’s staff will be keeping in touch with vulnerable families and signposting them to support available. Identified families will get bi-weekly phone calls to support them to keep positive and solution focussed. Families have been given the mobile numbers of the EXTRA team who will be working from home. Families can also contact EXTRA via Face Book, Instagram and email. We will do regular updates on Face Book on support available for families (such as Citizens Advice Tendring present contact information), tips on how to keep emotionally well at this time of uncertainly and giving ideas on how to keep children entertained at home. We are exploring how we can offer more support through social media
SUMMIT are not facilitating groups for the time being and face to face support is available by appointment only. We are also providing support remotely through social media, WhatsApp, messenger and telephone. We have a call list of vulnerable people that we are contacting at agreed times to check in and support their emotional well-being. These are the people that are unable to use social media and have no internet access. We are still taking action for people to resolve their issues. This may be making phone calls on their behalf to other professionals, providing them with clear information they can understand, writing communications on their behalf and connecting them to the most appropriate service. Most importantly we are still providing a friendly voice and listening ear. Our mission is to stay safely connected with the people that need us. People can reach out to us in a variety of ways:
Telephone: 01255 429778
Email: www.info@summitservices.org.uk
Find us on Facebook @SUMMITTMHS
HeadsUp is still offering their employability service to people across Essex who wish to seek work, training or start job searching. Whilst circumstances mean that unfortunately they will not be able to meet with participants face to face for a while, they can still support people via video calls, telephone, email and post. Please visit the website to find out more https://enableeast.org.uk/headsup/
Request for information re child and family services from Essex County Council
ECC are trying to map the impact of Coronavirus on services to children, young people and their families. We already know some services are not offering face to face contact any more.
If you are able to please could let Lee Bailey (details below) know what the current situation is with your organisation, by answering the following;
- Write a paragraph on the current service provision being delivered
- Website contact details
- District/Borough covered
Lee would also appreciate it if you could circulate this request through your networks. The more information they have the better we will all be able to support our families and communities in the current climate.
Lee Bailey, Lead for Partnership Delivery, Children & Families, Essex County Council
Telephone: 03330139085 Mobile: 07824867641 Email: lee.bailey@essex.gov.uk
Kind regards, Samantha Wootton Communications and Publicity Officer Community Voluntary Services Tendring 01255 425692 ext 1012 sam.wootton@cvstendring.org.uk www.cvstendring.org.uk Community Voluntary Services Tendring is a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England 5325167. Registered Charity No. 1108177.