Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Spring Meadow Primary Healthy School Street!


Have Your Say on Spring Meadow Primary Healthy School Street!

What are Healthy School Streets?     

A healthy school street is any street outside a school where changes have been made to make it easier and safer for students to walk, wheel and cycle to school. Changes to the street could include things like (but not limited to) zebra crossings, 20mph speed limit, speed cushions, parking zones, enforcement, trees and planting, extended barriers and other public improvements (widened footways, cycle parking, benches and lighting).

However, before any changes are made, it’s important to listen to the school community, and those who live and work in the area, and understand the local issues as well as the changes they would like to see implemented. By completing this survey, you will help us better understand local school parent/pupil, resident and business needs and concerns regarding Pound Farm Drive and surrounding roads. We want to ensure that you can share your lived experience of the area, which will allow us to take the appropriate steps, where possible, to deliver the changes you’d like to see.

As of yet, there are no plans or available funding to make any changes to street. This survey is early engagement to gauge support for a scope of changes. Further engagement will be undertaken should funding become available.


Please fill in the online survey:

When: 3rd of June – 31st of July

Where: https://letstalkessexsustainabletravel.co.uk/embeds/projects/32855/survey-tools/35907