Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Residents encouraged to follow SEVEN Ways to Wellbeing in the run-up to Christmas

Tendring District Council (TDC) is supporting a countywide campaign supporting residents to follow seven ways to improve their wellbeing in the run up to Christmas.

Latest figures from the ONS (Office of National Statistics) show that 60% of adults are stressed or anxious and 49% said their wellbeing has been affected by the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

In response livewell, an initiative shared by Essex local authorities to help improve health and wellbeing among residents across the county, has launched 7 Ways To Wellbeing.

The countywide campaign aims to raise spirits during Covid-19 restrictions and in the run up to what will be likely be a different Christmas than many are used to.

Residents are encouraged to learn new skills, stay connected with others, keep present buying simple and support others with charitable acts. The campaign also pushes the importance of a good night’s sleep and staying active for our health and wellbeing.

Lynda McWilliams, TDC Cabinet Member for Partnerships, encouraged people to follow the easy steps.

“Everyone has a lot going on at the moment, with the added pressures of Covid-19 on top of our normal lives,” Cllr McWilliams said.

“That is why it is so important to take time to look after ourselves and others, and the seven ways to wellbeing is a great toolkit to achieve that.

“Our Back to Business agenda includes the importance of wellbeing for our residents. In addition, when keeping present buying simple why not consider purchasing from Tendring businesses?”

The livewell website provides a wide range of information and advice for those struggling with their mental health as well as a directory of both local and national support services, to view the seven ways to wellbeing visit https://www.livewellcampaign.co.uk/livewell-articles/christmas/