Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Nominations wanted for your community heroes

Community champions who have helped support local residents during the Covid-19 pandemic are to be recognised by Tendring District Council (TDC).

The authority is looking to create a Roll of Honour to acknowledge and celebrate the Heroes at the Heart of Tendring, those people keeping communities together throughout 2020.

Nominees will receive a letter from the council’s Chairman and their place on the Roll of Honour.

Dan Land, TDC Chairman, said he wanted to shine a spotlight on those who had helped others.

“There has been such a strong community spirit during these tough times, from the doorstep clapping, to checking on elderly neighbours, to delivering food parcels,” Cllr Land said.

“I am so proud of the way Tendring residents, businesses and community groups stepped up, and want to recognise and celebrate this through our Roll of Honour.”

Heroes at the Heart of Tendring will run instead of the usual annual Pride of Tendring Awards in February 2021, and people from across the district are encouraged to put their nominations forward.

Cllr Land added: “We couldn’t run Pride of Tendring as usual, and with so many nominations likely to be based around Covid-19 we thought this year we should do something different.

“However, the ethos is the same – celebrating those who work selflessly without seeking recognition – and we can only do that with your help.”

To make your nomination and view the Roll of Honour as it gets updated go to www.tendringdc.gov.uk/community/nominate-your-tendring-heroes or alternatively write to Chairman, Tendring District Council, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, CO15 1SE, including your contact details.