Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Next Phase of Discretionary Business Grants Scheme Launched

The Council has now launched a third phase of its discretionary business grants scheme – with applications invited from 4 August to 19 August.

One area of the economy stood out as being hit as equally hard as the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors but unfortunately not included within earlier Government grant schemes. This sector relates to the companies and organisations who directly supply the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors e.g. manufacturers and wholesalers.

Therefore as part of the Council’s ‘Back to Business’ Initiative, the third phase of the discretionary grant scheme focuses on this vital sector within the local economy, with grants of up to £25k available. However the scheme will continue to remain open to those businesses within the strict national priority areas identified by the Government, namely those who occupy flexible / shared spaces, charities, market traders and B&B’s and who have NOT applied before .

Applicants should read the revised policy which is available on the Council’s website to avoid potential disappointment if the eligibility criteria isn’t met and are therefore turned down later in the process. Also, if you have been informed of an unsuccessful application in phases 1 or 2 of the scheme then your application will not be accepted in phase 3.

Once the closing date of 19 August has passed, all applications will be assessed and those who have been successful should see payments made into their bank accounts as soon as possible after this date. Applications can be made via www.tendringdc.gov.uk/discretionary_business_grant

Mary Newton, TDC Cabinet Member for Business and Economic Growth, encouraged all eligible businesses to apply.

“It is hoped that grant funding reaches as many business as possible to support them through these difficult times and help the economy recover, which in turn will protect  the jobs and livelihoods of so many within the district.”

“It is also important to say that although it would have good to have been able to help more businesses within the District, the Government have applied specific national criteria which has meant that a number of businesses have not been eligible for support, but by no means is this a reflection on the importance of your business to our economy.” Cllr Newton added.

A number of grants available under previous Government Grant schemes also remain ‘unclaimed’. If you are receive small business rate relief or are in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors and occupy a business property with a rateable value of less than £51k and have not yet claimed, then you may qualify for a grant of £10k or £25k. Further details and an application form can be found on the Council’s website by following this link – www.tendringdc.gov.uk/discretionary_business_grant



For more information on this news release contact Tendring District Council’s Communications Manager Will Lodge on 01255 686338.