Harwich Town Council

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Consultation to begin on modifications to section two of emerging local plan

A consultation launches this week on proposed changes to the blueprint for future development in Tendring.

Section Two of Tendring District Council’s (TDC) Local Plan was the subject of an online two-week public hearing earlier in the year.

The Planning Inspector who conducted the hearing has recommended a series of main modifications to ensure it meets legal and national policy requirements – with most of the modifications put forward by TDC following a previous consultation and to ensure the plan was kept up to date.

It is these modifications which will be subject to a six-week consultation, which begins today (Friday, 16 July).

People’s comments will go directly to the Planning Inspector, who will then issue a final report hopefully allowing the council to formally adopt Section Two of the Local Plan.

Nick Turner, Chairman of the Planning Policy and Local Plan Committee, encouraged people to have their say.

“Adopting a Local Plan is a long process; this is important to make sure we get it right, and this is now people’s last chance to have a say on a piece of work which has been many years in the making,” Cllr Turner said.

“All being well we hope to get the Inspector’s response in the Autum which will allow us, with a fair wind behind us, to adopt our new Local Plan by the end of the year.

“We welcome your views on the proposed modifications – and I hope people will see they are sensible improvements – and please do take a look and comment on them during the consultation period.”

A Local Plan is a strategic blueprint document setting out how development should take place across the district for the future, with the emerging Local Plan for Tendring covering the period until 2033.

Section One of the Local Plan, submitted jointly by TDC along with Colchester Borough Council and Braintree District Council and looking at strategic planning matters, has already been examined, approved and adopted.

The consultation on the modifications to Section Two will run from Friday, 16 July until 5pm on Tuesday, 31 August. To have your say go to www.tendringdc.gov.uk/localplan/section2 or, for those not online, call 01255 686177 to request details of how to take part.