Council Staff

Harwich Town Council is aided by a team of officers headed up by the Town Clerk and supported by an Assistant Clerk, Estates Supervisor and periodically, Administrative Assistant (Career Track apprentice).

Members of the team can be contacted on the email addresses given below or by


Phone: 01255 507211
Post: The Guildhall, 11 Church Street, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3DS

Ms Lucy Ballard

Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer

Has overall responsibility for advising the Council and conducting its business.

Mrs Marie Snell

Assistant Clerk

Supports the Town Clerk.  Oversees the Mayor’s engagements and is responsible for the administration of the Council’s 6 allotment sites, The former Hill School site and is the primary contact for grants.


Mr Andy Wells

Estates Supervisor

Oversees the Council’s estate and assets.  Responsible for the general maintenance of Council-owned premises
