Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Articles by Marie Snell - Assistant Clerk

  1. Allotments Committee Minutes – 13th June 2023

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  2. Environment and Community Minutes – 30th March 2023

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  3. Weather warning – Thunderstorms – Saturday 8th July

    The Met Office have issued a weather warning for Thunderstorms for our area, the warning is in force from 0900 Saturday 8th July until 2359 Saturday night. After speaking to the Met Office advisor the storms will be sporadic but…

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  4. Planning Committee Minutes – 6th June 2023

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  5. Finance and General Purposes Committee Minutes – 21st March 2023

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  6. Severe Weather warning – Tuesday 20th June

    The Met Office have issued a Severe Weather warning for Thunderstorms for our area valid from 1100 Tuesday 20th until 1800 Tuesday evening. Potential impacts of this warning could be: Spray and sudden flooding could lead to difficult driving conditions…

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  7. Allotments Committee Minutes – 1st March 2023

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  8. Weather Warning- Amber Alert (9th – 12th June 23)

    The Met Office in conjunction with the UK Health and Security Agency have recently changed the way they issue Heat Health Alerts to a new Red, Amber, Yellow system. Today an Amber alert has been issued for our area which…

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  9. Mayor Making Minutes – Thursday 25th May 2023

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  10. Full Council Minutes – Tuesday 4th April 2023

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  11. Planning Committee – Tuesday 25th April 2023

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  12. St Helena Post

    Please see below St Helena's Dying Matters Campaign poster    

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  13. Road Closure Information – Holyrood – 19th May 2023 for 5 days

    ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 - SECTION 14(2) Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice of Holyrood Please click on the following link https://one.network/?tm=133996239 to find details of the closure of Holyrood, due to commence on 19th May 2023 for 5 days. The closure is required for…

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  14. Dovercourt Town Centre Street Party – Saturday 6th May 2023

    Come along and join the local community in celebrating the King's Coronation on Saturday 6th May 12-6pm Click the below link for more information.   Funded by Harwich Town Council

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  15. UK Emergency Alert: Be Aware Not Alarmed – TEST

    You may be aware that the UK Government recently announced the activation of a UK wide Emergency Alerting System.   Emergency Alerts enable urgent messages to be broadcast to a defined area when there is an imminent risk to life,…

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  16. Full Council Minutes – Tuesday 21st February 2023

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