Planning Committee Agenda – Tuesday 25th June 2024



Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3DS
Tel: 01255 507211

A meeting of the
to be held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich

Tuesday 25th June 2024 at 6.30pm

Public Question Time: 15 minutes will be available for members of the public to ask questions in relation to items on the agenda only.


1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Members’ Interests
To receive any ‘Pecuniary’ or ‘Other Registrable’ interests relating to items on the agenda.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Town Planning Committee held on 4th June 2024 (circulated separately).

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes

P007/24 – Clerk to update members following information received from Planning Officer regarding approval of 24/00207/FUL – 268 High Street, Harwich.

5. Town Planning Applications as per Schedule Issued by Tendring District Council
To consider the enclosed schedule of applications.
6. Determinations

To note determinations of previously considered planning applications as notified by Tendring District Council:

Refusal of application 24/00247/FUL – Planning Application – Proposed infill construction of 2 new build houses consisting of one 2.5 storey 2 bedroom house and one 3 storey 3 bedroom house. A communal rear garden / amenity space for both houses, enclosed secure cycle parking / storage areas and bin store. Proposed re location of the existing vehicle access as shown on the site plan – Land at 22 George Street Harwich

Refusal of application 24/00367/VOC – Planning Application – Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for Variation of Conditions 1 (Approved Plans and Documents) of application 22/01920/DETAIL to enable/allow changes due to revised drawings. Sato UK Ltd, Valley Road, Dovercourt.

Refusal of application 24/00347/FUL– Planning Application – Extension and re-modelling of existing residential building comprised of four flats to create an additional three flats. – 27 Marine Parade, Dovercourt.

Approval of application 24/00605/FULHH– Planning Application – Householder Planning Application – Retrospective planning application for timber pergola with pitched roof/ 2600mm trellis fencing and timber slatted canopy. 194 Fronks Road, Dovercourt.

7. Matters Received in the Post or Raised by Members

• Councillor Notification – Temporary Event Notice  TENOP/5146/24 Provision of regulated entertainment and sale of alcohol.  For information only.

• Councillor Notification – Temporary Event Notice  TENOP/5154/24 Provision of regulated entertainment and sale of alcohol.  For information only.

• Councillor Notification – Temporary Event Notice  TENOP/5157/24 Provision of regulated entertainment and sale of alcohol.  For information only.

8. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Town Planning Committee is to be held on 17th July 2024 at 6.30pm at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich.


Dated: 18th June 2024                                                                          

  Lucy Ballard                                                                                               

Clerk to the Council





WEEK ENDING 7th June 2024


Non-Material Amendment to 23/00881/VOC – access to be directly from the access road rather than from Units 2no. and 3no. carpark. Stanton Europark Freshfields Road


Lady Primrose Lewis 
Application for Listed Building Consent – To remove damaged render to gable wall and replace with lime render – 3 coats 3A Newhaven Lane Harwich


WEEK ENDING 14th June 2024
Mr John and Mrs Claire Side 
Householder Planning Permission – Hip to gable enlargements, rear dormer and rooflights to facilitate loft conversion. 12 Davall Close Ramsey


WEEK ENDING 21st June 2024
Mr and Mrs Fribbins
Householder Planning Application – Single storey rear extension with first floor balcony to match existing. 103 Fronks Road Dovercourt
Mrs Sze Nga Leung 
Householder Planning Application – Retrospective planning application following the erection of outbuilding/garden office in rear garden. Patricks House Pattricks Lane Dovercourt



Please be aware that Harwich Town Council, as statutory consultees, only gets a short time period for considering applications and therefore any applications which are received after publication of the agenda, which cannot wait until the next meeting, will be added to this schedule accordingly, up until the Friday prior to the meeting.