Full Council Meeting Agenda – Tuesday 4th June 2024

Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich, Essex CO12 3DS
Tel: 01255 507211
email: info@harwichtowncouncil.co.uk
Clerk: Ms Lucy Ballard

To be held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich

Tuesday 4th June 2024 at 7pm
Or at the rise of the TOWN PLANNING MEETING, whichever is the later


1 Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence
2 Declarations of Members’ Interests
To receive any ‘pecuniary’ or ‘Other Registrable’ interests relating to items on the agenda
3 Public Questions
Questions pursuant to Standing Order 3
4 Mayor’s Engagements
The Mayor to give a brief report of recent engagements since being elected.
5 Minutes of Last Meeting
• To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of Harwich Town Council held on 4th April 2024 (circulated separately)• To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Special meeting of Harwich Town Council for the Investiture of the High Steward held on 25th April 2024 (circulated separately)• To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Annual Statutory and Mayor Making meeting of Harwich Town Council held on 16th May 2024 (circulated separately)
6       Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting

MIN 163/23 – In relation to public questions, to confirm that:

1.    the condition of the highway parallel to the Low Road development has been assessed by TDC’s enforcement team and its findings forwarded to the resident concerned.

2.    that a notice from ECC in relation to the continued closure of Church Street has been forwarded to the resident concerned.

3.    the tufts of grass growing out of the paving along the prom and causing a trip hazard have been reported to TDC and addressed.

4.  No action is to be taken regarding concerns over the replacement door at the former Barclays Bank.

5.  • MIN 167/23 – To confirm that all 8 local schools have requested a printed copy of the D-Day 80 Proclamation, at a cost of £57.48.

7 Matters Arising from the Minutes of Previous Meetings

MIN 108/23 – To confirm that the missing road sign in Lee Road, as reported by a resident at the Full Council meeting in November, has now been replaced.

MIN 152/23 – To receive response from National Highways following letter regarding improvements to the A120.  Consider further action.

8 Internal Audit
• To receive the year end internal audit report and agree any actions
• To review the effectiveness of Internal Audit
9 Effectiveness of the System of Internal Control
• To consider the findings following a review of the system of internal control on 21st March 2024. (MIN F92/23)• To appoint 4 members to conduct review during the 2024/25 financial year.
10 Review of Risk Management Arrangements

• To review the risk management arrangements for 2023/24 and agree to procedure for assessing risk in 2024/25.

• To adopt Risk Management Policy

11 Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24 – Annual Governance Statement

To approve the Annual Governance Statement in Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

12 Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/24 – Accounting Statements
To consider and approve the Accounting Statements in Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)To set the dates for the provision of the exercise of public rights.
13 Standing Orders

To review and adopt Standing Orders for Harwich Town Council.

14 Signatories and Bank Mandate

To agree signatories for the purposes of authorising payments from the Council’s accounts and set for the remainder of this council.

15 Independent Review of the Accounts
To appoint non-signatories to periodically review the bank reconciliation in accordance with Financial Regulations
16 Data Protection Risk Assessment

To approve the risk assessment for Harwich Town Council

17 Disposal of Guildhall assets

To consider a recommendation from the FGP Committee regarding the disposal of the following assets:

Chiffonier, Bureau and swivel chair in Gaol and 2x Alderman’s chairs in Parlour.

Cllr Calver

18 DLUHC Visit

To consider taking up the offer of a visit from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

19 Brief Reports by Members appointed to outside bodies by the Council
20 Committee Meeting Minutes

To receive the Minutes of previous committee meetings (circulated separately):

Extraordinary F&GP Committee – 12th April 2024

Extraordinary F&GP Committee – 19th April 2024

Extraordinary Allotments Committee – 7th May 2024

21 Accounts
To receive the financial report and to approve accounts for payment as per the schedule (circulated separately)
22 Correspondence Received in the Post or Raised by Members
• Report(s) from PCSO Sue Groves (for information)• Harwich Festival report (for information)
23 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of Harwich Town Council is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich, at 7.00pm, or at the rise of the Town Planning Committee, whichever is the later.

Dated: 29th May 2024  

Ms Lucy Ballard
Clerk to the Council